Well, consider me a doubting Thomas no longer.
I found this ribbon wrapped wreath for 99 cents on a random trip a few weeks ago. Score! (Please excuse the cell phone pic, I was too excited to grab my actual camera. Though my photography skills aren't much better with it anyway.)

And even though, I'm not really one to go crazy for front door decor (partially because I hate our front door), I can't turn down sprucing up the house for an out of pocket expense of 99 cents!
There's not much of a tutorial here. Just, remove the ugly pink ribbon (in my imagination this was part of a tacky bridal shower) and wrap it in the jute you have left over from the twine ball project (or justify the purchase of jute because you can accomplish at least two projects on the cheap) using hot glue every few inches so the twine doesn't slip.
(Do you see why I hate this door. What did the previous owner do? Try to rip off the knocker?)
A word of caution. This will not take 15 minutes. Try, oh, 90 or so. The wrapping takes time and because my roll (skein?) of twine was so large, it was easier to cut it into pieces until the roll (package?) was smaller. Of course, those 90 minutes could be spent watching DVR'd episodes of Martha and What Not to Wear. Just beware that hot glue.
Finally, hang the wreath. I had to hang mine like this because this wreath was too thick for my over the door wreath hanger. (And I just couldn't wait.)
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