Ok ... so ... I've been putting this post off b/c I'm not 100% sure about this... but here goes...
I've ... been ... designing ... this: 

Ok. There. I said it.
So, here's why I've been hesitant:
I think I might want to sell it. I mean, like, make multiples in a variety of colors and combinations, and sell them. But I need HONEST opinions before I do. Brutally honest. (Ok, not, like G.I. Jane brutal, but honest nonetheless.)
Like would you actually purchase that little wallet? and adorable (if I do say so myself) change purse? (Or even a set of them that include a bag?) And if you would, how much would you pay?
I'm trying to figure out if this would be worth my time (I mean, I LOVE it and am dying to crank out multiples, but I don't really have that many people that I know that actually WANT it.)
Other things I think I'd make are: appliqued onsies, coffee cozies, decorative pillow covers.
So, dish people. Tell me I'm totally crazy and shouldn't add anything else to my plate. Or not.
I would buy decorative pillow covers