So yeah. That's big news. It's also the year I turn 30. Which, for the record, I am totally OK with.
But I thought I'd give you a little update on my list -- and to keep myself honest.
Here's a status:
Give birth to ONE new baby -- Check!
Make that baby TWO dresses from a pattern
Try THREE new veggies or fruits -- One down!
Sit down for dinner as a family of FOUR -- Check!
Try FIVE new updos -- Two down!
Send SIX birthday cards
Spend SEVEN days on vacation -- Destin, Florida
Put EIGHT quarters in expired meters
Read NINE new books -- Three down (Hunger Games series... oh my!)
Run TEN miles (at once) again -- yikes... ran 3 this weekend and this will be a task
Send TWELVE letters
Make my own butter using SIXTEEN ounces of milk
Celebrate my engagement on March SEVENTEETH with my husband
Have all TWENTY of my nails (fingers and toes) painted
Make TWENTY FOUR cookies from scratch and give them as a gifts
Leave TWENTY SEVEN comments on my favorite blogs -- just one so far on this for Ashley Hackshaw of Lil Blue Boo and she responded!
Print and frame TWENTY EIGHT pictures -- one down!
Write TWENTY NINE new blog posts -- six down!
Get rid of THIRTY things from my closet -- got rid of SO MUCH more. And it feels great.
I'm still looking for suggestions on the outstanding numbers -- any ideas?
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