And for those of you that need a refreshers, he's saying:
Frosty, the snowman
Was a jolly happy soul
With a corncob pipe
And a button nose
And two eyes made out of cooooooaaaaalll!!!!
Here's a total cheat for a button hole inspired by Disney!
Sixth: PlaydoughSeventh: Pictures for grandparents
Eigth: Nothing. We were pooped. We were going to make a matching game. But, instead, we played games on ... I know, not exactly observant of us. But, overall, I'm happy with how things worked out. Now, time to start planning for next year.
It's impossible to imagine that anyone would consider killing this perfectly healthy, loving kind little man. But that's just what his former owners, and breeders were going to do.
They'd caged him his entire life, kept him enclosed in a concrete run, and just used him as a stud dog. And after 10 years, they were going send this face to puppy heaven.
A kind volunteer from the French Bulldog Rescue Network, she took him in. And helped the network find him a foster home -- our home! Now he can play in the grass...
And learn doggie manners (like NOT marking) and playing nice and sharing food.
He's go up for adoption here and he'll soon find his forever home.
But, for now, we're lucky to have him.
And smiles like these:
Here are a few of my favorites (clockwise from top left): a smiley face match, shape matching, letter matching, patterns (see the missing square?) and a "fill in the face" game.
You could also make these in powerpoint and print a bunch off ... but I like making them up as I go. Or maybe I'm just lazy. But either way, you'll have fun.
And you'll have even more fun when you ask your son to smile and he gives you this face instead. (What is that face?!)
Wash! Hands wash.
Peel da nana. I do'd it!
Peana buttew. Mommy hep peese....
Cut da nana.
Ohio University's campus gateway.