Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We finally did it -- carved pumpkins just in time for Beggars' Night.
(Never heard of Beggars' Night? You're not alone - it's a Columbus thing, as far as I can tell. Trick-or-treat happens from 6 to 8 p.m. the Thursday before Halloween.)

So... Brian has mad carving skills (... if you're going to do it, you have to do it right...) ... and me, in typical fashion just wanted to carve, take pics and eat ice cream.

Also, note to self: 2 year olds, can't actually carve. Oh, and they don't want to watch you carve for An. Hour. And. 15 minutes! So, yeah, suggest painting or putting stickers on pumpkins.

So here they are! Bet you can guess which one was Brian's.

Ooooohhhh... Ahhhhhh...

And, just one more thing. Does this happen to you? This would be the BEST picture ever... but [insert whiny voice here] it's out of focus. So I am sharing it anyway... damn fancy camera making us change settings... sigh..

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